Family Activities
NOVEMBER 15, 2020
On Mount Sinai
Read chapter 12 in All of Us: God’s Story for You & Me or Exodus 19:1–20:21 and Deuteronomy 6:1–9. Discuss the Ten Commandments. How do they help us love God and love each other? Which are hard or easy to follow?
Pray “thank you” prayers this week. Search online to learn how to sign “thank you” in American Sign Language. As each person names what they are thankful for, respond with the sign.
Write Deuteronomy 6:4–5 on a small piece of paper and roll it up like a scroll. Tape it on a doorframe as a reminder to love God. Each family member can make one for their room.
On Mount Sinai
Read chapter 12 in All of Us: God’s Story for You & Me or Exodus 19:1–20:21 and Deuteronomy 6:1–9. Discuss the Ten Commandments. How do they help us love God and love each other? Which are hard or easy to follow?
Pray “thank you” prayers this week. Search online to learn how to sign “thank you” in American Sign Language. As each person names what they are thankful for, respond with the sign.
Write Deuteronomy 6:4–5 on a small piece of paper and roll it up like a scroll. Tape it on a doorframe as a reminder to love God. Each family member can make one for their room.
OCTOBER 25, 2020
In the Wilderness
Read chapter 11 in All of Us: God’s Story for You & Me or Exodus 15:22–16:36. Tell about your favorite food. What would you want to eat every week or every day? Imagine eating the same food for 40 years!
Pray “thank you” prayers this week. Each day draw pictures of things you are thankful for such as food, people, or things in nature. Or shape the items from play dough or clay.
Play a “needs and wants” game. Give each person a paper with W (“want”) and N (“need”) on opposite sides. Name various things like food, toys, and money and have each person show the W or N to indicate if they think it’s a need or want. Discuss any differences of opinion.
In the Wilderness
Read chapter 11 in All of Us: God’s Story for You & Me or Exodus 15:22–16:36. Tell about your favorite food. What would you want to eat every week or every day? Imagine eating the same food for 40 years!
Pray “thank you” prayers this week. Each day draw pictures of things you are thankful for such as food, people, or things in nature. Or shape the items from play dough or clay.
Play a “needs and wants” game. Give each person a paper with W (“want”) and N (“need”) on opposite sides. Name various things like food, toys, and money and have each person show the W or N to indicate if they think it’s a need or want. Discuss any differences of opinion.
OCTOBER 18, 2020
Crossing the Red Sea
Read chapter 10 in All of Us: God’s Story for You & Me or Exodus 13:17–15:21. How does God lead your family?
Pray “thank you” prayers this week. Make a list of five things your family is grateful for every day. At the end of the week, post your list on a wall or refrigerator as a reminder of God’s goodness.
Search online to see artwork related to today’s Bible story such as Moshe Splitting the Sea by Natalia Kadish, Crossing the Red Sea by Yoram Raanan, and Crossing the Red Sea by David Teague.
Crossing the Red Sea
Read chapter 10 in All of Us: God’s Story for You & Me or Exodus 13:17–15:21. How does God lead your family?
Pray “thank you” prayers this week. Make a list of five things your family is grateful for every day. At the end of the week, post your list on a wall or refrigerator as a reminder of God’s goodness.
Search online to see artwork related to today’s Bible story such as Moshe Splitting the Sea by Natalia Kadish, Crossing the Red Sea by Yoram Raanan, and Crossing the Red Sea by David Teague.
OCTOBER 11, 2020
Moses Confronts Pharaoh
Read chapter 9 in All of Us: God’s Story for You & Me or Exodus 7:1–12:42. Who was affected by Pharaoh’s decisions? Why do you think Pharaoh changed his mind?
Pray “help others” prayers this week, focusing on people who are living in an unsafe place due to violence, war, poverty, or another injustice. Write the name of each person or group of people on a stone or paper heart and place it in a jar as a reminder.
Listen to a Louis Armstrong version of the African American spiritual “Go Down, Moses” on YouTube.
Read chapter 9 in All of Us: God’s Story for You & Me or Exodus 7:1–12:42. Who was affected by Pharaoh’s decisions? Why do you think Pharaoh changed his mind?
Pray “help others” prayers this week, focusing on people who are living in an unsafe place due to violence, war, poverty, or another injustice. Write the name of each person or group of people on a stone or paper heart and place it in a jar as a reminder.
Listen to a Louis Armstrong version of the African American spiritual “Go Down, Moses” on YouTube.
OCTOBER 4, 2020
The story of the Exodus is the story of the Hebrew slaves being saved from the horrors of Egyptian slavery and discovering the freedom of life in the Promised Land. How does that grand story begin? The Exodus begins with God taking a step toward a man named Moses. What’s the first thing that God does in order to enact dramatic deliverance of the slaves? God calls a person to do God’s work. What’s the relevance for these ancient, core narratives for the church today? As we listen to one of the great stories of the Bible, we reflect on the nature of Israel’s God who promises deliverance to the captives and then keeps promising to preserve them in the Exodus from slavery to freedom.
Moses, God’s Chosen Leader
Read chapter 8 in All of Us: God’s Story for You & Me* or Exodus 3:1–4:17. Have you ever felt like Moses? Tell about a time you felt doubtful, scared, or unsure of yourself. Who helped you?
Pray “help others” prayers this week, focusing on the needs of people around the world. Write each country or need on a stone or paper heart and place it in a jar as a reminder.
Make your own “burning bush” using art supplies you have at home. One option is to paint leaves and press the painted side onto paper to make a print.
* The book All of Us: God's Story for You & Me is available for each family. Contact the church office for your copy.
Read chapter 8 in All of Us: God’s Story for You & Me* or Exodus 3:1–4:17. Have you ever felt like Moses? Tell about a time you felt doubtful, scared, or unsure of yourself. Who helped you?
Pray “help others” prayers this week, focusing on the needs of people around the world. Write each country or need on a stone or paper heart and place it in a jar as a reminder.
Make your own “burning bush” using art supplies you have at home. One option is to paint leaves and press the painted side onto paper to make a print.
* The book All of Us: God's Story for You & Me is available for each family. Contact the church office for your copy.
Coloring pages to print off
This video describes a simple conversation you can have with your children anytime, anywhere. It is an easy prayer practice that can transform their faith.
5 Minutes that Could Transform your family!Could asking two questions of your family members daily transform your family and your faith?
Give it a try and find out! Find a time daily (in the car, around the table, via snapchat) 1. What are you most grateful for? 2. What are you least grateful for? End this time by thanking God and asking God to be with you in your struggles. This is a simple prayer practice that will model transformative faith to your family. |
Reminder CardPrint this reminder card and put it on your fridge, in your car, or save the pic to your smartphone so you remember to engage your children everyday in conversation about what is happening in their lives. Offer these things to God in prayer - prayers of gratitude and prayers for help. These five minutes have transformed families and formed life long faith.
Give it a try! |