Sunday February 23 during worship, we were asked what is in your hand? What ordinary things or gifts do you have that you can we offer to God for him to transform into something powerful for his kingdom? So often we believe that God can not use us because we don't have enough experience, gifts, time, etc. But maybe if we offered what we have God could work miracles.
"What you have in your hand is all that you need if you are willing to release it to God."
Pastor Sherm Kauffman

Exodus 4:1-4
God asked Moses, "What is in your hand?" "A staff" he replied. "Throw it on the ground," God commanded. And it became a snake. God used an ordinary staff to do mighty works in Egypt and released the oppressed Israelites from slavery. All Moses had to do was make himself available to God.
God asked Moses, "What is in your hand?" "A staff" he replied. "Throw it on the ground," God commanded. And it became a snake. God used an ordinary staff to do mighty works in Egypt and released the oppressed Israelites from slavery. All Moses had to do was make himself available to God.

John 6:1-13
Jesus took what the boy had in his hands - his lunch - five loaves and two fish and transformed it into a meal that could feed 5,000 plus people.
Jesus took what the boy had in his hands - his lunch - five loaves and two fish and transformed it into a meal that could feed 5,000 plus people.
Are you afraid that you don't have enough? Enough of what it takes to do what God has called you to do? Enough food, finances, etc. to get you through? What if we changed our mentality from one of scarcity to one of abundance? When we make what we have available to God there is no limit to what can be done!
What have you offered to the Lord in the past? How did God use your offering?
What have you offered to the Lord in the past? How did God use your offering?