Romans 1:20 (CEV) says "God's eternal power and character cannot be seen. But from the beginning of creation, God has shown what these are like by all he has made." When has the beauty of creation taken your breath away? Our God didn't have to make the world such a beautiful place. God chose to create amazing things for us to enjoy and to display his glory in all of creation. Often, we don't stop long enough to behold what God has done and to experience the respect, fear, and wonder it inspires. Each moment that we stop to say, "Wow God!" is a mini-worship service. It doesn't have to be long. But giving thanks and glory to God is always worth it. Never lose your sense of awe!
Ask your child...
When has the vastness and beauty of creation taken your breath away?
How has it deepened your awe and respect for our Creator?
What appears unpredictable in your life right now? Trust that God is at work even when you can't see it. You can count on God's faithfulness!
Challenge your child...
For several days, sit and watch the sunset. Compare the differences in color, brilliance, and visibility. Give thanks that the sun rises and sets each day, even if its beauty is hidden from view.
God, let us enter each day with joyful anticipation of the ways you will exhibit your love and presence with us through your creation. Amen.