Life can become a giant question mark as kids get closer to their senior year in high school: To which colleges should they apply? Should they commute or stay on campus? How will they score on the ACT test? What career path should they choose? Many have no idea what or where they will be going or doing in the future and often dread people's questions about the future and the pressure to have the perfect answers.
As we step out on our own, we all feel pressure to be successful and to achieve the goals we have set. Yet the world tells us that some goals are worthier to pursue than others. If our ultimate purpose is to gain financial success or the approval of others, then our path is clear. But if we want to set more meaningful goals, we cannot be bound by the expectations of others.
Meaningful success is internal and independent of others' approval. Yet as we choose our own path, we are wise to seek the advice of trusted friends, counselors, and family members. We can also dig deeper by asking God to help us discover what is worth pursuing so that we can give to these things our whole heart.
Mark 4:39 (NRSV) says [Jesus]... rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, "Peace! Be still!" Then the wind ceased, and there was a dead calm. Psalm 46:10 also tells us to "Be still, and know that I am God." Recognizing that God is in control