Recently a picture of a youth praying on the football field for a friend that was injured during the game went viral on Facebook. In the book/movie "War Room," Miss Clara challenges Elizabeth to establish a prayer "war room" where she can go to pray for her family. One of my favorite places to pray is when I'm driving or going for a walk. That's the great thing about prayer... you can do it anytime, anywhere.
Our lives can be filled with too much noise. We're running around and doing too many things at once. With so many distractions, listening to what God has to say is difficult. It's important to find that quiet, still space in our lives where we can talk to God and He can talk to us. There are so few places in the world where we can be truly alone with God and our thoughts, but I pray that you will find one and visit it often.
Ask your teen...
Consider the stories in the news. Which ones stand out to you? Which ones seem dark and hopeless? Where in the news do you see the kingdom of God coming alive?
How can we pray for hope in hopeless situations, peace instead of fear, light in the darkness, or beauty in the midst of ugliness?
Encourage your teen...
To find a prayer space. It may be a physical space, a time, or an activity. Whatever/wherever it is, make prayer a habit.
5-Second Prayer...
Lord, teach us to pray - anytime, anywhere. Amen.