I was on Facebook the other night scrolling through a maze of posts when one caught my attention. It was a picture of 1 year old Jacob Marbury who was allegedly assaulted by a babysitter while his parents went out for a date night. The picture of this precious baby sitting in the bathtub with bruises covering the side of his face and arm just made me ask "why?" Why would someone do this to a precious innocent baby? Why do things like this happen to children? Why was this babysitter so filled with ugliness that he would take it out on a baby? Why Jesus, why?
My heart was filled with compassion for this baby and his parents. But it didn't feel like my compassion was enough.
Our devotions this week touched on the injustices in life and imagining a world without them. Imagine a world with no pain? Imagine a world with no hunger? Imagine a world with no discrimination, human trafficking, abuse, wars, poverty, etc. etc. God promises us that world someday, but for now, what if we had the courage to listen for God's call, to stand up for our faith, to give to others without a thought about not having enough for ourselves? What if we allowed God to use us to touch the world and the people in it? Would we realize that one person can make a difference? Isaiah 6:8 reads "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" When God calls, will we also say, "Here I am. Send me?" Often, it is through the stories of others that we can learn to prevent the tragedy of abuse. With God's help, we can help to put an end it.
Ask your child...
What is an area of injustice where you would be willing to say "send me?"
Name how things could change in that area of injustice if only... you fill in the blank. Here are a couple of ideas...
If only someone was praying daily.
If only someone cared enough to step in.
If only someone visited.
If only someone spoke up, gave a speech, wrote an article.
Father God, give us courage, imagination, and compassion to change the world by loving one person at a time so that no one suffers. Lord, give us a little bit of heaven here on earth until we come home and enjoy heaven for eternity. Amen.