What we do to fit in with the people around us! God has designed people to seek connections with other people and by no means desires that we live alone. However, we often take God's wishes to the extreme and try to change who we are in order to fit in. Few people enjoy the sensation of standing out in a crowd. We do everything we can to blend in, to become like everyone else. Yet, God calls us to do exactly the opposite. Matthew 5:16 says, "Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven." We are called to be a lighthouse for Christ in ways that distinguish us from the rest of humanity. We are called to stand out, not to fit in. Even if it involves discomfort and fear, standing out for Christ also leads to a life of meaning and purpose.
You may be called to step out and do something huge to change the world, to witness to people halfway around the planet, or to meet the needs of people right down the street. Remember, we were all created to change the world for someone, to serve someone, to love as Jesus loves, and to spread the light of Christ across our mission field, wherever it is. All you need is a yes! in your heart for God and God's people.
Ask your teen...
Are you afraid or apprehensive to approach new people? If you are, remember that God will give you all the strength you need. Then go for it!
Do you lack the courage to defend your Christian lifestyle?
Challenge your teen...
Write on an index card the words "FAITH=RISK." Look at the card before you start each day as a reminder to keep your eyes on Jesus and to follow boldly.
Dear God, replace my timidity with boldness. Remind me to trust in you and not to rely on feelings that waiver. Amen.