Think of a time you gave someone a really spot-on gift. Remember your excitement as you imagined the person's reaction and your joy as they smiled and said, "Thank you!" These moments can feel pretty special and the excitement that comes with them is a normal response, something good, healthy, and desirable.
How often have you shared moments like this with God? If you think broadly enough, you could link every good thing in your life back to God, the supreme gift-giver. Imagine being in God's shoes, providing so many gifts to the beings you created. For God to anticipate moments when we jump for joy and shout "Thank you!" seems completely normal. Now imagine yourself once again as the receiver. We are the ones who have received everything good from God. Each time we pray, we have a legitimate reason to shout a big THANK YOU to God. Try it!
Ask your child...
What gifts of selfless love have you received or witnessed this week?
How will you turn your faith into action?
Challenge your child...
Take 30 seconds to make a mental list of as many good things in your life as you can. As you acknowledge the source of these gifts, you might feel a deep sense of wonder and excitement building up in you, ready to burst out in gratitude to God.
Make a list of Scripture passages in which Jesus sets an example of giving, such as washing the feet of his disciples. How will you follow Jesus' example this week? in the New Year?
God, open my heart to receive the blessings that you would shower upon me. Help me to serve you in gratitude so that others might also be blessed. Amen.