The movie "Unbroken" is the true story of "Louie" Zamperini who was always in trouble. With the help of his older brother, he turns his life around and channels his energy into running, later qualifying for the 1936 Olympics. Zamperini survives in a raft for 47 days after his bomber was downed in World War II and is then sent on to a series of prisoner of war camps. His story of survival, resilience, redemption and forgiveness reminds us that "as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, we are to clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience." [Colossians 3:12] That was "Louie" throughout his time at the prisoner of war camps. At the end of the film, a slideshow gives the viewer a glimpse into his life after he was rescued. Louie lived out his promise to devote his life to God and forgave his war-time captors, meeting with many of them later in his life.
"Louie" was a WORLD CHANGER!
Ask your teen...
How can you be a world changer? In this week's devotions [February 22-29] it talks about the little things we do or say that can make a big difference. Jesus made the little things count. He talked with the lowly, ate with people who were considered worthless and stood up for those who needed help.
How do we follow Jesus' example? We encourage the discouraged and speak up for the bullied. We eat with the friendless, send positive texts, assist with chores and speak kind words.
Encourage your teen...
Luke 16:10 reminds us that "whoever is faithful in very little is faithful also in much." Each of us wants to make a difference, to have a purpose, to be a world changer, but first God is looking for faithfulness in the small things. Encourage your child to take the time to hone their skills and talents, whether it be singing, knitting or playing sports. Those skills learned while young are often the same skills that make an impact on others later in life.
Challenge your teen...
One of the best ways to help your child discern their calling/purpose is to search for the intersection between their greatest passion and the world's greatest needs.
If God opens a door for them to change the world, know that God has created them to walk through it!