Everyone faces times when they are lost, confused and scared. For some it's chronic pain or health issues, depression or sadness. For others, it's life struggles, devastation, loss of loved ones or having trouble coping with the loss of a friendship. Your child may be in a season of life when they look left and look right and cannot see God.
During the week of [March 7-13 +pain & healing] our devotions focus on looking at how we get through that pain or loss and how God can use that pain to bring an opportunity for growth. Living life fully means being open to the possibility of experiencing great joy, great pain, and everything in between. We learn that when we face the pain and do the work necessary to heal, God opens doors for new life to enter and grow. We learn that we are stronger than we imagined, because God, the author of all life, will weave together a beautiful story with a perfect ending!
Ask your child...
- How have your past/current struggles shaped you into the person you are today?
- To write down the ways you encounter God's love. Write them in a journal or in poetry form.
- What or who helps you through the pain?
- How is God using your pain to bring healing to others who endure similar struggles?
- Allow yourself to feel. Pay attention to the pain. Name it. Talk about it with someone you trust.
- Seek professional help, particularly if they are talking about harming themselves. Have them talk to a parent, therapist or pastor. Let them know that they don't need to deal with the pain all alone.
- Keep doing what gives you joy and life.
- Speak honestly with God. God can handle whatever you bring.
- Give yourself time. The healing process is different for each person. Be patient and love yourself during the process.
- Look for light and love in the people who love you, the peaceful silence of nature, a hug at the right time. Don't try to go it alone.