Hi Parents!
One of the things I love to do is give gifts! I guess you could call it one of the gifts the Lord has given me. In our devotions this week, a student uses the word surcie (gift). A surcie is a little gift that shows other people you love them and are thinking about them. A favorite surcie of mine was a treat I received unexpectedly from a friend when I began a new job years ago. I have found that giving a gift is more meaningful to me than receiving one. We don't need a reason to give a gift; it can be a spontaneous gesture from the heart. It can be a small treat or a thoughtful note. It's a great way to offer encouragement and to put a smile on someone's face.
When we use God's gifts to us in small ways, it can make a difference to one person, who might be empowered to do something nice for someone else. God takes our seemingly insignificant actions and multiplies and transforms them into an amazing contribution for the Kingdom. We all have a part to play in the Body of Christ and others will be blessed when we use our gifts. In I Corinthians 12:4-6 (NRSV) it says "Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same
Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone."
Ask you teen...
What are your gifts and how do you use them?
Pray and act...
For the next week or the next 40 days, prayer the prayer below as your own. Then look for opportunities to serve; and respond by saying, "Yes, Lord. Thank you."
"Lord, I confess that too often I want someone to tell me exactly what to do to serve you and to present me with a mission. But the truth is that ways to serve you are presented to me every day. When I obey my parents, I'm serving you. When I love those at my school who seem unlovable or who treat me badly, I'm serving you. When I refuse to follow the crowd and choose instead to be loving in the way I speak and act toward others, desiring to be faithful instead of popular, I'm on a mission that you appoint to all of us who say we know you. Empower me to serve you in every way that presents itself. Help me to keep my eyes and ears open for mission opportunities; and give my heart the desire to say, "Yes, Lord, yes!"