When prayer seems difficult, we can be encouraged because God hears even our unspoken prayers. Our tears have a voice. Our sighs, groans, whispers, and desires all become prayers. Unspoken prayers express thanks, cry out for help, and ask for wisdom. God hears them and answers them. God knows us inside out and can interpret what we're trying to say, no matter how we say it.
Ask your teen...
Praying for the people around you definitely changes your perspective. It allows you to love them with the love of Christ. Whom do you have trouble loving? Will you pray for them today?
Challenge your teen...
Start a payer journal - each day write out your prayers and be sure to note when they were answered.
Every day is filled with reasons to pray and to offer praise for all that God has done in our lives. If you are not into journaling, write on slips of paper, the things you are grateful for and drop them into a jar. When you are having a rough day or season, read these papers and be reminded that God is at work to bring good out of every situation.
Lord may nothing separate me from You today. Teach me how to choose only Your way today so each step will lead me closer to You.