It's also important to fuel our mind with God's word. When we fuel up with scripture and prayer, we keep ourselves spiritually fit to "run with perseverance the race that is set before us" (Hebrews 12"1b NRSV).
In keeping with the theme of healthy foods, you and your youth may want to try planting a garden if you haven't before! Container gardening is a great way to get started and start small. Many containers are tall and deep enough to grow a few vegetables. Discover how good food tastes when you grow it yourselves!
Keep yourselves spiritually full and encourage your teen to do the same! Read the Bible, pray, get involved in church, attend Bible studies.....all of these things add the right fuel for our minds!
For you and your teen: Allow God to work in you and through you. Ask yourselves if you are bearing fruit? Or if you need some added fertilizer? Choose to spend time with God, who will change you from the inside out, and surround yourselves with other people who will invest their time in caring for you so that you will bear fruit!