Learning Together About John
Then come join us this Sunday night for the next study on John 3 and 4 beginning with a soup supper at 5:45 and the Biblestudy with childcare at 6:30 pm. Some of our junior highers on Wednesday night expressed excitement about coming the study on Sunday nights. One way to grow alongside them is to bring them along and jump into the deep end of Biblical scholarship - it will generate great discussion on what peaked their interest and what questions they have following the study.
Family Discussion

1. Think of a time that you naturally gather together as a family:
- In the Car
- Bedtime
- Mealtime
- On a walk
- Other
2. Pick one of these times in the next week or so to read or listen to the audio Bible of John Chapter 1 and 2. Click here for a link to the Bible Gateway Audio Bible that you can use on your smartphone or computer
3. Then pick one, two or more of the following questions/activities below to begin a discussion around these scripture passages. This doesn't need to take a lot of time - it is important that on a regular basis you are opening the scriptures together as a family.
Questions / Activities
1. Seth speaks of John having echos to other parts of the Bible. What echo to you hear in the first verses of Genesis that connect with the first 5 verse of John? What do you think they say about the story John is going to tell?
2. John's prologue (1:1-18) is often read at Christmas time. Share with your youth: memories of this being read and/or what ways this scripture has impacted how you view Jesus.
John 2
1. In your family assign each person a character from John 2:1-12 to pay attention to and do a dramatic reading. You can assign the roles of narrator, Jesus, Jesus' mother, and a steward. After the reading what intrigues/puzzles them the most about each character.
2. Read this story (2:1-12) and then immediately read John 19:16-30. What similarities do you notice between the story at Cana and the story of the Cross. These are the only moments in John were we see Mary. What is Mary's role in both stories?