Our fast-paced world puts a lot of pressure on us to produce. Teens are expected to spend hours at school, play sports, work weekends, maintain social lives and family relationships, and still manage to find time for homework. Parents, teachers, and bosses may push us to work harder and to achieve more. But God calls us to be still, to rest, to listen. "For God alone my soul waits in silence, for my hope is from him." Psalm 62:5 (NRSV)
Jesus knew that part of his work on earth was to be still and to pray. He knew that his mission could not be fulfilled without setting aside time to be with God. The same is true for us. In stillness, we draw strength from God. In silence, we hear God's voice. Only then can we respond and obey. So how can we be ready for what the world will throw at us? How can we strengthen our identity in Christ and not lose it to the world?
Ask your child...
Do you have a friend or a trusted adult with whom you might walk together in faith and hold each other accountable for living your beliefs.
If you already have an accountability partner, ask God how you can support a friend who may be struggling.
Challenge your child...
Try a new prayer practice. Begin a journal and carve out time to write down your prayers. Remember to record when they have been answered.
TRY IT: Each night this week, focus on your breathing and allow these breath prayers to carry you into sleep.
BREATHING IN PRAY: "Lord Jesus Christ, son of God,"
BREATHING OUT IN PRAYER: "Have mercy on me" (or more often, "on us") or "thank you for loving us."