With tech at our fingertips 24/7, we can whip out our phones or tablets at the first sign of boredom and be entertained anywhere. The stream of stuff we pump into our brains seems to have no "off" switch. I confess, I'm the same way. I struggle with boredom, so I seek more and more stuff to do and often fail to enjoy the moment. By constantly flitting from one activity to another, from one screen to another, we allow busyness to rule our life.
So what do you do when you're bored? Maybe you turn on the TV, reach for that half-empty bag of Cheetos, or scroll through social media. If you are really desperate, maybe you even talk to someone. You know, a no-tech, face-to-face conversation. But do you ever think about doing something else - something more significant? Instead of vegging out, get out your Bible and talk to God. Or use your technology to search a passage of Scripture, a historical place or event in the Bible. Dig deeper. Find out what the culture was like, what the terrain was like, what lives of Christians who have gone before us were like. Read the stories of people who did great things for God.
Break out of your rut! When your routine starts to get boring, change it! Find a different route to school or work. Try a new food for lunch. Talk to a different co-worker or new kids at school. Remember, God has not called us to a life of boredom. He wants us to have passion for life remembering the verse from Colossians 3:23 (GNT) "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord and not for people."
Ask you child...
What gets you excited? What skills and talents do you have? What social injustices rile you up?
Challenge your child...
Get involved in a ministry through your church or community. Continue to develop your talents. Pray for courage to see ways you can offer your God-given gifts to the world.
Dear Lord, let us not take for granted the time you have given us. Help us to use our time to serve you and to get to know you better. Amen.