One of my favorite movies is The Blind Side, a 2009 biographical sports drama that follows Michael Oher from his impoverished upbringing, to his adoption by Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy, to his position as one of the most highly coveted prospects in college football, then finally becoming a first-round pick of the Ravens. It's a true and powerful story about love. We are reminded that the loving actions of one individual can change the course of another person's life for the better. Both people are changed, not only the one being loved, but also the one's doing the loving. John 15:12 (NRSV) reminds us "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you."
This summer, watch some inspiring movies with your teen - movies that affirm important values, inspire your devotion to God, and encourage you in your walk. Some suggestions... The Hiding Place, God's Not Dead (I & II), A Matter of Faith, The Passion of the Christ, Courageous, etc.
Ask your teen...
Think about what you learn from a movie. How have you applied the lessons you've learned to your life?
Lord, empower me to make a difference, to overcome obstacles, and to lean in closer to you, so you can lead the way on loving as you would love, changing the world one life at a time journey.