This week we discussed the AWKWARD topic of sex. We focused on the scripture from 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 which in summary tells us to RUN!
R - Remember your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit
U - You have a choice -"I am allowed to do anything - but not everything is good for you." (NLT)
N - Not every choice is beneficial.
RUN from sexual sin Paul tells us - "no other sin so clearly affects the body as this one.." "You do not belong to yourself for God bought you at a high price. But the person who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with him."
We shouldn't just walk away from sexual temptations, or do our best to avoid those situations. We should RUN from them! That word clearly implies a definite decision and course of action. If we swim with sharks we are going to get bit.
And sexual temptations are everywhere - even in our hands everyday (our phones - it is so easy for pornography to find us).
It is important to help teenagers draw some lines between what is God's plan and what isn't, with the goal of helping our students choose God's plan! All of this is based on making wise choices. We gain wisdom by praying, reading the Bible, talking with trusted friends, parents and leaders, and observing the possible consequences of our decisions.
Your influence as a parent is the greatest factor for your child's choices. Even if you didn't make wise choices as a youth you can still encourage your child to choose God's path.
Maybe your child has made choices that aren't beneficial for them. Help them to understand that God's grace and forgiveness covers them when we are open with God. They can start over fresh today!
As you find time to talk with your teenager about this week's lesson, here are some questions you might want to ask:
- Why do you think the Apostle Paul said to "run from sexual sin"? Why "run" from it?
- We talked in this lesson about making choices to follow God's plan. What are some wise choices that they want to make that are beneficial for them and follow God's plan for sex?
- Possible examples: Waiting until they are married to have sex, choosing to close the internet window if inappropriate pictures appear on their screen, etc.
If it is too awkward to talk with your child about this - consider writing them a letter.
I pray that this is a blessed week for you and your family!